Event Bus and Events Add an event bus and start sending events to it
We are going to add an integration to our API Gateway REST API that will send events to our EventBridge event bus whenever the POST /dear-santa
endpoint receives an HTTP POST request.
Add EventBridge event bus
Update your CDK stack with an event bus:
Copy import { Construct , Stack , StackProps } from "aws-cdk-lib" ;
import { RestApi } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-apigateway" ;
import { EventBus } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-events" ;
export class EDAWorkshopStack extends Stack {
constructor (scope : Construct , id : string , props ?: StackProps ) {
super (scope , id , props);
const eventBus = new EventBus ( this , "EDAWorkshopBus-YOUR_USER_NAME" , {
eventBusName : "EDAWorkshopBus-YOUR_USER_NAME" ,
const api = new RestApi ( this , "EDAWorkshopAPI-YOUR_USER_NAME" );
const dearSanta = api . root .addResource ( "dear-santa" );
dearSanta .addMethod ( "POST" );
Bonus: Add a CloudWatch Log Group target to your Event Bus to forward all events as logs to CloudWatch
Next, we need to give our API permission to put events on the bus. Add this to your stack:
Copy import {
PolicyDocument ,
PolicyStatement ,
Role ,
ServicePrincipal ,
} from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam" ;
const apiRole = new Role ( this , "EDAWorkshopAPIRole-YOUR_USER_NAME" , {
assumedBy : new ServicePrincipal ( "apigateway" ) ,
inlinePolicies : {
putEvents : new PolicyDocument ({
statements : [
new PolicyStatement ({
actions : [ "events:PutEvents" ] ,
resources : [ eventBus .eventBusArn] ,
}) ,
] ,
}) ,
} ,
Now we can update our REST API with an API integration . In our case, this will be a direct integration between API Gateway and EventBridge - any requests sent to the POST /dear-santa
endpoint will put an event on the bus. To do this, we need to add some more imports and update the dearSanta
Copy import {
Integration ,
IntegrationType ,
RestApi ,
} from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-apigateway" ;
dearSanta .addMethod (
"POST" ,
new Integration ({
type : IntegrationType . AWS ,
uri : `arn:aws:apigateway: ${ Aws . REGION } :events:path//` ,
integrationHttpMethod : "POST" ,
options : {
credentialsRole : apiRole ,
requestParameters : {
"integration.request.header.X-Amz-Target" : "'AWSEvents.PutEvents'" ,
"integration.request.header.Content-Type" :
"'application/x-amz-json-1.1'" ,
} ,
requestTemplates : {
"application/json" : JSON .stringify ({
Entries : [
Detail : "$util.escapeJavaScript($input.body)" ,
DetailType : "WishlistReceived" ,
EventBusName : eventBus .eventBusName ,
Source : "workshop.eda" ,
} ,
] ,
}) ,
} ,
integrationResponses : [
statusCode : "200" ,
responseTemplates : {
"application/json" : "" ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
} ,
}) ,
{ methodResponses : [{ statusCode : "200" }] }
Take some time to look through this code. Note that any method reponses must map to a corresponding integration response .
Deploy CDK app
Test API endpoint
Copy curl -X POST https://{YOUR_API_URL}.amazonaws.com/prod/dear-santa
You should now get a successful response from EventBridge to say it has received an event. It'll look something like this:
Copy {"Entries":[{"EventId":"some-uuid"}],"FailedEntryCount":0}
Bonus: Enable AWS X-Ray tracing on your event bus
Validate API requests
Going back to the code you added to the stack, notice this line in the request template"Detail": "$util.escapeJavaScript($input.body)"
- here we are passing the entire API request body to EventBridge. We need to make sure the request is valid before sending the data to EventBridge.
API Gateway allows us to add request validation via JSON Schema.
We need two resources to enforce request body validation - a request validator and a JSON Schema-based model :
Copy import {
Integration ,
IntegrationType ,
JsonSchemaType ,
JsonSchemaVersion ,
Model ,
RequestValidator ,
RestApi ,
} from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-apigateway" ;
const dearSantaRequestValidator = new RequestValidator (
this ,
"EDAWorkshopRequestValidator-YOUR_USER_NAME" ,
restApi : api ,
requestValidatorName : "EDAWorkshopRequestValidator-YOUR_USER_NAME" ,
validateRequestBody : true ,
const dearSantaRequestModel = new Model (
this ,
"EDAWorkshopRequestModel-YOUR_USER_NAME" ,
contentType : "application/json" ,
modelName : "WishlistRequestModelYOUR_USER_NAME" ,
restApi : api ,
schema : {
schema : JsonSchemaVersion . DRAFT7 ,
title : "Wishlist" ,
type : JsonSchemaType . OBJECT ,
properties : {
from : {
description : "Name of wishlist creator" ,
type : JsonSchemaType . STRING ,
} ,
gift : {
description : "Type of gift on the wishlist" ,
type : JsonSchemaType . STRING ,
enum : [ "lego" , "surprise" ] ,
} ,
legoSKU : {
description : "LEGO product ID" ,
type : JsonSchemaType . STRING ,
} ,
} ,
required : [ "from" , "gift" ] ,
} ,
These resources are then used in our dearSanta
method's options:
Copy {
methodResponses : [{ statusCode : "200" }] ,
requestModels : { "application/json" : dearSantaRequestModel } ,
requestValidator : dearSantaRequestValidator ,
Deploy again
Test again
Copy curl -X POST https://{YOUR_API_URL}.amazonaws.com/prod/dear-santa
The request should be rejected as it failed the validation you just added. Try updating your curl request with the expected body. You should receive the successful response from EventBridge!
Bonus: Update the model to only accept "lego" gift requests if a legoSKU is provided